Integration with Cats Effect
Cats Effect is a library for writing side-effectful programs in a pure functional style.
The module decline-effect
defines a thin integration between decline
and Cats Effect.
In particular, CommandIOApp
the simple and rich CLI from decline
’s CommandApp
and the pure effect management of cats-effect
’s IOApp
but instead of using the CommandApp
, we are going to use a newly defined CommandIOApp
In the following lines we are going to show how to do this by following an example.
Building an IO
-based application
As an example, we’ll reimplement a small Docker-like command-line interface:
it’s fairly well known CLI tool, and has a nice mix of options, flags, arguments and subcommands.
We’ll focus only on the ps
and build
commands – just enough to get the point across.
First, we’ll add the module to our dependencies:
libraryDependencies += "com.monovore" %% "decline-effect" % "2.5.0"
And add the necessary imports:
import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._
import com.monovore.decline._
import com.monovore.decline.effect._
Defining the command line interface
Let’s now define our interface as a data type. We’re aiming for the following very-simplified Docker-like interface:
$ docker ps --help
Usage: docker ps [--all]
Lists docker processes running!
Whether to show all running processes.
Display this help text.
$ docker build --help
Usage: docker build [--file <name>] path
Builds a docker image!
--file <name>
The name of the Dockerfile.
Display this help text.
If we’re translating that interface into data types, we’ll end up with something like the following:
case class ShowProcesses(all: Boolean)
case class BuildImage(dockerFile: Option[String], path: String)
Now we’ll build our parser, composing the individual elements for each of the components.
Here’s the ps
val showProcessesOpts: Opts[ShowProcesses] =
Opts.subcommand("ps", "Lists docker processes running!") {
Opts.flag("all", "Whether to show all running processes.", short = "a")
// showProcessesOpts: Opts[ShowProcesses] = Opts(ps)
And the build
command would be as follows:
val dockerFileOpts: Opts[Option[String]] =
Opts.option[String]( "file", "The name of the Dockerfile.", short = "f" ).orNone
// dockerFileOpts: Opts[Option[String]] = Opts([--file <string>])
val pathOpts: Opts[String] =
Opts.argument[String](metavar = "path")
// pathOpts: Opts[String] = Opts(<path>)
val buildOpts: Opts[BuildImage] =
Opts.subcommand("build", "Builds a docker image!") {
(dockerFileOpts, pathOpts).mapN(BuildImage)
// buildOpts: Opts[BuildImage] = Opts(build)
Interpreting our command line interface
Now we’ll build an interpreter for the data type we just created.
This could be done using the CommandIOApp
as follows:
object DockerApp extends CommandIOApp(
name = "docker",
header = "Faux docker command line",
version = "0.0.x"
) {
override def main: Opts[IO[ExitCode]] =
(showProcessesOpts orElse buildOpts).map {
case ShowProcesses(all) => ???
case BuildImage(dockerFile, path) => ???
The main: Opts[IO[ExitCode]]
is what aggregates all the bits and pieces of our command line interpreter.
In this case, we just take the previously-defined subcommand options,
and map into IO
actions that correspond to the given command line arguments.
(It’s usually handy to define these actions within the CommandIOApp
it puts a ContextShift
and Timer
in implicit scope,
which are required by lots of other code in the Cats Effect ecosystem.)