is a composable command-line parsing library,
inspired by optparse-applicative
and built on cats
Why decline
- Full-featured:
supports the standard set of Unix command-line idioms, including flags, options, positional arguments, and subcommands. Support for mutually-exclusive options and custom validations make it easy to mold your CLI to the shape of your application. - Helpful:
automatically generates comprehensive and precise error messages and usage texts. - Functional:
provides an immutable and functional API, usable whether or not your program is written in a functional style.
Quick Start
First, pull the library into your build. For sbt
// NB: 1.2.0 is the last release to support Scala 2.11
libraryDependencies += "com.monovore" %% "decline" % "2.5.0"
Then, write a program:
import cats.syntax.all._
import com.monovore.decline._
object HelloWorld extends CommandApp(
name = "hello-world",
header = "Says hello!",
main = {
val userOpt =
Opts.option[String]("target", help = "Person to greet.").withDefault("world")
val quietOpt = Opts.flag("quiet", help = "Whether to be quiet.").orFalse
(userOpt, quietOpt).mapN { (user, quiet) =>
if (quiet) println("...")
else println(s"Hello $user!")
Then, run it:
$ hello-world --help
Usage: hello-world [--target <string>] [--quiet]
Says hello!
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--target <string>
Person to greet.
Whether to be quiet.
$ hello-world --target friend
Hello, friend!
(For a more in-depth introduction, see the user’s guide!)